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Comisión Directiva: Meet the Team



Marisol Soto


Marisol obtained her Master of Arts in Hispanic and Lusophone Literature and Human Rights Studies from the University of Minnesota, USA. She currently works at the University of Manitoba as an Educational and Evaluation Coordinator. Marisol has a passion for teaching and educational research. At the University, Marisol teaches workshops on student engagement and teaching strategies in an effort to ensure that instructors are creating significant learning experiences that allow students to reach their full academic potential while providing a positive and engaging working environment. Marisol is an active volunteer in the AMA Immigration Committee and during her free time, she likes to spend time with her family and friends.


Gisela Sanchez


Gisela Sanchez got a bachelor's degree in business administration and an MBA in Argentina. Here in Canada, she got a diploma in artificial intelligence at the University of Winnipeg. She has experience in marketing, product development, and business intelligence. She is working as a technology consultant In Canada. 

She and her husband arrived in Canada with AMA support in December 2021. 

As an AMA volunteer, she is excited about helping Argentinian families in Manitoba. She thinks it's a pleasure to be able to give back some of the kindness shown to her family by AMA's strong community.


Hernán Popper


Hernán, along with his family, chose Winnipeg as their new home in 2003. Hernán is a graduate of UBA, with an MBA in Business Administration, specializing in Marketing.

His passion for technology has always motivated him, and he complemented his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology studying Innovation, and at Harvard studying Cybersecurity.

Hernán has participated in the AMA for many years, joining the Board of Directors in 2022, to collaborate with the relaunch of the association after Covid.

In his free time, he hacks into electronic toys and tries to learn how to cook.


Leandro Campodonico

Vice President

Leandro is an Industrial Engineer specialized in Well Drilling in the oil and gas industry. He worked as a Cementing Engineer and Inspector, and as a Drilling Engineer (Project Engineer). He volunteered at the Equinotherapy Foundation of Azul in Salta, Argentina, helping with internal management systems, accounting, billing, and payments. In 2021, Leandro arrived in Manitoba, Canada with his family, and began working as a Technician at the University of Manitoba and volunteering with AMA. Through AMA, Leandro aims to provide support to fellow Argentine citizens both in Manitoba and those in Argentina who have a desire to immigrate to this beautiful country.

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Federico Diez


Profile update in progress


Duilio Pelusso

Member 2

Duilio is a graduate of the University of La Pampa, specializing in automation of industrial systems and robotics. He is well versed in operations, manufacturing, maintenance, and reliability assets.
As a volunteer on the AMA board of directors, Duilio collaborates in project management and in his spare time he likes to listen to Argentine music, especially a cappella.


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Argentinean Manitoban Association

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